Colombian Shungite Lab Testing Reveals Rare Earths and More

Episode #6

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CCP Blog - Episode 6

Colombian Shungite Lab Testing Reveals Rare Earths and More

Welcome to a captivating episode where we explore the world of Shungite, comparing Russian Shungite with the emerging Colombian Shungite. Shungite has captivated crystal enthusiasts and spiritual seekers with its unique properties and potential health benefits. While Russian Shungite carries a rich historical significance, Colombian Shungite has recently emerged, raising questions about its authenticity and differences. Join us for episode 6 as we unravel the mysteries and empower you to make informed choices. Discover how these materials differ and decide if you wish to explore and experience their unique qualities firsthand.

Colombian Shungite, also known as Raquirite, comes from the Sunder Colombia region, encompassing various small mines. Although some associate it with the Muso mine, our discussion and testing focus on specimens not sourced from Muso. Specifically, the samples from the Linac area within Sunder Colombia showcase intriguing characteristics.

Recent testing reveals that Colombian Shungite contains an impressive 93.8% pure carbon, with some specimens reaching up to 97 to 98%. These high carbon levels are accompanied by other notable elements. The samples examined contained 0.5% zircon, 0.5% yttrium, and trace amounts of thulium, iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, titanium, and zinc, each comprising 0.01% of the composition.

Notably, Colombian Shungite exhibits a relatively abundant presence of molybdenum (Mo) and vanadium (V). Both molybdenum and vanadium possess exceptional structural integrity, resistance to corrosion, and toughness. Vanadium's potential in cancer treatment stems from its ability to suppress tumor growth. In Colombian Shungite, the abundance of molybdenum and vanadium accentuates its overall structural integrity and strength compared to Russian Shungite, specifically in the tested minerals from this region.

Elements in Colombian Shungite

Colombian Shungite unveils a wealth of elements that contribute to its extraordinary energy. Alongside well-known elements like silver, gold, aluminum, and calcium, Colombian Shungite contains manganese, sodium, niobium, lanthanum, nickel, phosphorus, rubidium, and more. Rare earth elements such as thorium, yttrium, and uranium also grace this mineral. Elements like tantalum, selenium, tungsten, and thulium further contribute to the hidden secrets of superconductivity and enhanced energy within Colombian Shungite. From transition metals to trace elements, the composition of this stone is a testament to its unparalleled nature. Colombian Shungite truly stands apart, offering an incomparable assortment of elements rarely found in other minerals.

The Benefits of Colombian Shungite

The essence of Shungite lies in its ability to act as an energetic antenna, channeling transformative properties to its surroundings. While Russian Shungite has long been recognized for its exceptional qualities, Colombian Shungite should not be underestimated. With only a slight variation in its pure carbon content and a marginally lower rate of energy conductivity, Colombian Shungite becomes a more accessible and affordable alternative. This accessibility opens a window of opportunity to utilize this remarkable stone in various applications, rejuvenating plants, enhancing water treatments, revitalizing land, and more. Plants thrive in the presence of Shungite, and even a sprinkle of Shungite dust can bring forth lush vegetation and vitality. Let us embrace the potential of Colombian Shungite, harnessing its power in an affordable and accessible way, and witness the transformative effects it can bring to our lives and surroundings.

The Truth about Shungite

The world of Shungite is not immune to misinformation, particularly regarding the distinctions between Russian and Colombian Shungite. Biased individuals seek to monopolize the "Shungite" label for Russian origins, driven by financial motives. However, the emergence of affordable Colombian Shungite has disrupted their market. Global challenges in obtaining raw Shungite from Russia have resulted in sellers mislabeling Colombian Shungite as Russian, further complicating the information landscape. It is vital to critically evaluate sources. With a trusted associate and reliable lab testing data on Colombian Shungite, I present the facts impartially.

In addition, misinformation commonly suggests that Colombian Shungite contains fullerenes, but conclusive testing is still underway to determine the extent. Russian Shungite typically contains a small fraction of fullerenes, while Colombian Shungite's percentage is being established. Fullerenes, if present in any capacity, add an intriguing dimension to the energetic potential of Shungite.


The realm of energy extends beyond what we can see in our dimension. Trans-dimensional energies exist, and whether it is Russian or Colombian Shungite, both serve as intelligent allies and formidable protectors. Shungite has the remarkable ability to interact with complex energies, making it a valuable resource in our modern world. Carbon, the core element of Shungite, is utilized in various technologies, including nanotechnology and the transhuman agenda. Shungite acts as a medium, absorbing and transmuting energy, and offering transformative properties. Trust your intuition as you explore Shungite firsthand, as there is no right or wrong experience. I hope this discussion has helped clarify the distinctions between Russian and Colombian Shungite. Take care, and I look forward to connecting with you in the next episode.