e5. Diamonds and the Extra-Dimensional Origins of Conscious Rocks

Episode #5

In this episode of the Crystal Clarity Podcast, where we explore the extraordinary evolution and consciousness of minerals. Join us as we uncover the living beings hidden within stones and discover their profound role as allies on our path to wholeness. Inspired by the groundbreaking research of Robert Hazen and Shaunna Morrison, we delve into the origins of conscious rocks across the universe. From diamonds to the ancient art of using stones as acupuncture needles, we embark on a captivating journey into the alchemical realm of the mineral kingdom.

In episode 5 you'll learn:

  • Explore how ancient civilizations such as those in Egypt, Tibet, Peru, and North America viewed stones as living beings with evolving consciousness.
  • Delve into the intricate relationship between evolution and consciousness, where anything that evolves possesses consciousness, and vice versa.
  • Understand how minerals owe their existence to interactions with living beings and the natural world.
  • Discover how stones were used in ancient acupuncture to awaken and transform both physical health and consciousness, highlighting their evolutionary wisdom.